River Bookshop Launches New Racial Justice Series

The River Bookshop will launch the first speaker in it’s series of Racial Justice events on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 7 pm at the event space called The Hole in the Wall, upstairs from the River Bookshop at 67 Richmond, Amherstburg ON.

The first speaker in the series is racial justice activist Tiffany Gooch, principal at Aurora Strategy Group, a Windsor native and on the Board of Governors for the University of Windsor. Gooch is a farsighted leader and champion for diversity and inclusion. Her speech topic is “The Time for Climbing is Over, the Wall Must Come Down”.

The River Bookshop’s values are to educate, inspire, engage and entertain. To do that it has to have an excellent selection of curated titles. But to be a powerful Third Place it needs to bring in speakers to amplify the written word by sharing their lived experience.

“Our bookshop will conduct a number of series on topics like the Climate Crisis, Mental Health and Urban Planning, etc. We chose to start with Racial Justice because Canada does have racism in our institutions and our society. We hope that by hosting presentations on the subject we will shine a light on the issue in our community” says Richard Peddie, owner and book seller.